Finding the Combination - A Problem-Solving Game (PART 1)


This is a  blog-based   problem-solving game that involves some thinking, but it is designed to be fairly straightforward. It is somewhat similar to popular problem-solving games.

We begin this game with you as the trusted butler of Dr. James Granite's large mansion and estate. Dr. Granite is a very wealthy businessman and landowner. And, he has many greedy enemies. It just so happened that his security was breached (broken through) and an intruder had entered his opulent (wealthy) mansion. You will need your thinking cap to help Dr. Granite solve a problem.

(Slide 1.)

- (Note 0.1.)     Dr. Granite needs your help. Someone broke into his mansion and rummaged through his things. He is away on a business trip. He asked you, his good friend, to unlock his safe and make sure all the valuables are still in it. Due to much stress, he cannot remember the combination code for his wall safe in his mansion library. But, he knows of a book on his shelf that will help you find it. After giving you its title, he abruptly ends the conversation. You find the book on the floor with part of a page missing. Then, you notice torn pieces of paper a few feet away from the book. 

(Slide 2.)
 - Note 0.2.   The order of the code numbers for each entry is based on the dictionary definitions on the other page. The contents of Dr. Granite's safe appear in the above picture. They are: an expensive watch; five gold coins; and the plans to a secret project.

- Note 0.3.   You notice a card (Card #1) lying beside the book. It appears someone used a permanent marker on the card.

- Card #1 says: 'The number __ letter "I's" in each ___________ word definition  __  __  ________ .   These _________ give a code to the wall safe in the library.'

Note 0.4.   You put the pieces together, do some simple problem-solving, and enter the four-digit code for the wall safe.   __ __ __ __.

[CHECK YOUR ANSWER HERE before you go to the next part.]

[SEE PART 2 here.]


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